On National Indigenous Languages Day we lift our hands to the many language champions working to revitalize B.C. First Nations languages!
Our languages are the roots of our culture, all that we know and all our relationships grow from the words of our ancestors. The First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC) Language Program is dedicated to the revitalization and documentation of B.C. First Nations languages. We are always developing tools and resources to support communities in these efforts.
The Language Gathering and Collection Guide
Today we are launching the new Language Gathering and Collection Guide. This digital tool is a self-guided resource for in-community language recorders and technicians. Community language collection can be a central process in language revitalization projects and planning.
In this guide you will find:
- language collection strategies
- testimonials from community members who use these methods
- ways to identify and mobilize grammatical information on FirstVoices.com
- downloadable resources & helpful suggestions for community recording & language projects
This guide is useful for any community working on their collection of language materials and especially useful for those who are working on their FirstVoices.com language sites.
Navigate through the lessons in the guide to learn more about how to increase your FirstVoices.com site’s richness or improve your other language pro
Click here to explore the Language Gathering & Collection Guide
FirstVoices is an initiative of FPCC that provides an online space for communities to share and promote their language, oral culture and linguistic history. Communities create secure, interactive language sites online by uploading audio recordings, words, phrases, songs and stories to be shared with others.
Discover More FPCC Language Resources
Here is a list of additional resources to support language revitalization work:
- The Language Revitalization Planning Toolkit
- Language Nest Toolkit
- Language for Life: Nourishing i=Indigenous Languages in the Home
- FirstVoices.com
- Browse the FPCC Resource Library
Share Your Story!
Do you have a story about the work your community is doing to revitalize Indigenous arts, languages, cultures and heritage in B.C.? We want to hear from you! Please send your story to info@fpcc.ca and check back as we post more stories about the good work being done across the province.
We are here to provide support
If you have questions or feedback regarding our language resources, please let us know by emailing info@fpcc.ca
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To view all current FPCC funding opportunities please visit our Grants page.
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