Natasha Green

Youth Empowered Speakers Program

$18,320 - $32,320
May 1, 2025 - March 1, 2026

Investing in our next generation of language leaders with a program that combines Mentor-Apprentice learning in one of the 36 funded languages and a paid internship at a First Nations organization of your choice.

Are you a B.C. First Nations student aged 18-35 who is interested in learning your language while working towards a rewarding career as a language immersion teacher, early childhood immersion educator or community language revitalization leader? Consider applying for FPCC’s Youth Empowered Speakers (YES) program!

The YES program provides training and paid work internships to pursue your career in addition to Mentor-Apprentice Program (MAP) language learning. The goal of the program is for youth to learn their language while preparing for a career in language revitalization in one of three streams:

  1. Early Childhood Immersion Educator Stream for ECE students alongside MAP hours and a paid internship
  2. Language Immersion Teacher Stream for BEd students alongside MAP hours and a paid internship
  3. Community Language Revitalizationist Stream for students in a degree/program (relevant to their career in language revitalization) alongside MAP hours and a paid internship

For those over the age of 35, there are additional Mentor-Apprentice immersion learning opportunities on the Mentor-Apprentice Program page.

The YES program is for B.C. First Nations youth ages 18-35 years old living on or off-reserve. Participants must be studying Early Childhood Education, pursuing a Bachelor of Education degree or pursuing a degree/program that is linked to a career in language revitalization. Youth must be able to provide proof of acceptance to a post-secondary institution.

Recorded Info Session

View the pre-recorded info session below to help answer any questions you may have about the program, eligibility and how to apply.

How to Apply

Applications are received via FPCC’s Grant Portal. For support with viewing applications and accessing your profile, please contact

For information applicable to all FPCC grants, please read the FPCC General Funding Guidelines by clicking on the button below.

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Funding for the Youth Empowered Speakers Program is provided by the Department of Canadian Heritage as a result of the Government of Canada’s Indigenous Languages Act.

We are here to support you!

Program staff are available to support you with your application! You may also contact an Outreach Coach for information on project planning, resources and information sessions.

Funding Process

We are here to ensure that the funding application process is as easy as possible and offer a convenient online portal so applicants can more easily apply for programs and submit reports. For additional information, please visit the Funding Process page.

Click the image to enlarge

Funding process infogrpahic

Program Contact

Beckie Wesley

Beckie is a Language Program Associate working with the Youth Empowered Speakers Program. Beckie is a member of Snuneymuxw First Nation. She has a background in Management and Operations as well as a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care.