The First Peoples’ Cultural Council shares news from the past program year and celebrates the accomplishments of grant recipients in the FPCC Annual Report for 2020-21.
The Year in Review 2020-21 is the FPCC annual report delivered to communities, funders, First Nations leadership, and provincial and federal elected representatives. We are excited to report that even in this year of social distancing and working from home, FPCC’s programs delivered a record amount of funding in 2020-21 with $20.4M delivered to First Nations communities and individuals across B.C. In the face of significant barriers, Indigenous communities found new and innovative approaches to complete 649 FPCC-funded projects to revitalize our languages, arts and cultural heritage.
“Standing in partnership with Indigenous communities, FPCC celebrates the good work and determination that has been demonstrated by communities as they prioritize and expand programming despite the challenges of a global pandemic. The amount that has been accomplished is truly inspiring and brings hope for the future as we continue to confront ongoing challenges to seeing our Indigenous languages, arts and cultural heritage thrive.” – Tracey Herbert, CEO FPCC
Highlights from the 2020/21 Year in Review include:
- Language programs funded: $18.4M delivered to 458 B.C. First Nations projects
– 4,151 language immersion opportunities and 2,440 resources developed by communities. - Arts programs funded: $1.8M to 153 Indigenous and First Nations projects
– 940 people were involved in Arts projects - Heritage programs funded: $147K for 38 B.C. First Nations projects
– 182 Heritage practices were documented through 38 projects
“Anything we can do to support each other in doing this work is huge. It’s important work and every little thing we do to preserve those words and those teachings for our children. Through the whole process, FPCC has been great and supportive to me and this work.” – Rheana Marchand-Edward, Lower Similkameen First Nation, speaking about her Oral Histories Program project.
Adapting to Continue the Work
The past year carried a theme of taking care of one another. This phrase, Tcwemstwal’ lekál’ap (“You folks take care of one another” in Ucwalmícwts, the language of the Líl’ wat people) has been a guiding force in how we have approached program delivery and resource development and in the way we have established guidelines and messaging about COVID-19. More than ever, the need to continue this work to revitalize Indigenous languages, arts and cultural heritage in B.C. has been amplified as so many worked so hard to learn new skills, adapt their plans and keep programs running so that the sharing of knowledge with future generations could continue.
“Fortunately, my grandmother Evelyn Voyageur is fairly tech-savvy. She was very keen to keep the project going and to find a new approach to work with these restrictions. So, I ordered her a microphone to plug into her tablet, something that was super easy, and I helped her set it up.” – Carla Voyageur, Kwak’wala language teacher at North Island College from the Musgamagw Dzawada’enukw First Nation speaking about her FirstVoices project.
Learn More
Please visit our website to view the FPCC annual report and read updates from each program area, FPCC Initiatives, our COVID-19 response and looking ahead to plans for the current program year. The report shares images and quotes from grant recipients from across B.C. and you will also find a separate document listing all 2020-21 grant recipients with summaries of their project.
Year in Review 2020-21 and Grant Recipient List
FPCC COVID-19 Resources
To view past reports visit the Resource Library on our website and enter Annual Report in the Resource Type Field.
Thank you
We would like to acknowledge those who invested in the revitalization of First Nations languages, arts and cultural heritage during the 2020-21 program year.
Aboriginal Neighbours, BC Arts Council, B.C. Ministry of Environment, B.C. Heritage Branch, B.C. Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, Creative BC, Department of Canadian Heritage, the First Peoples’ Cultural Foundation.
Share Your Story!
Do you have a story about the work your community is doing to revitalize First Nations languages, cultural heritage and Indigenous arts in B.C.? We want to hear from you! Please send your story to and check back as we post more stories about the good work being done across the province.
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To view all current FPCC funding opportunities please visit our Grants page.
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