The effects of COVID-19 have touched our own community just as it has touched so many people around the world. This page provides information about FPCC COVID-19 guidelines, supports, resources and additional funding opportunities.
The effects of COVID-19 have touched our own community just as it has touched so many people around the world. The health and safety of everyone involved in FPCC programs, communities, and especially our Elders, is of the utmost importance to us. We are taking action to maintain safe operations while supporting our communities and participants.
We want to be very careful that our programs do not put anyone at risk and ensure that they follow the current orders of the Provincial Health Officer. FPCC supports each First Nation’s self-determined right to protect their community and we respect any additional guidelines set by Chief and Council or local governments to help keep their communities safe.
Current FPCC Guidelines for our Programs
Please review and continue to follow the current FPCC COVID-19 Guidelines for Programs:
- Review and follow your community’s COVID-19 guidelines
- Follow Provincial Health Officer orders and guidelines for in-person gatherings
- Practice physical distancing
FPCC has resumed the following in-person gatherings
- In-person community outreach
- In-person meetings
- In-person program training sessions
How We are Working to Support You
When public health orders apply, if you are applying for a grant or your program or project completion deadline is approaching and you may be unable to complete because of FPCC COVID-19 requirements, please be aware that we are doing our best to make accommodations and find flexible approaches. Please contact program staff if you need any support modifying your project proposal or with continuing your program.
We are committed to continuing to support our Knowledge Keepers, language champions and artists in B.C. Please know that the health and safety of everyone is our highest priority. We hope it can also be an opportunity to support each other and find new ways to continue this important work.
Programs and Funding
If you are a current funding recipient, staff are available to discuss how you can adapt your projects, if needed, to keep everyone, especially Elders and Knowledge Keepers, safe. We are also thinking about new and creative ways to deliver programs, training and resources to communities.
Grants continue to open for application, but projects must adhere to public health orders should they be in effect. All applicants must review and follow the FPCC COVID-19 Guidelines for Programs.
If you need assistance with your current program, reporting or grant application, please go to our staff page to access a list of program staff who can help.
COVID-19 Resources
FPCC is continuing our support of Indigenous communities operating under COVID-19 measures with ongoing program and resource support. We have compiled a list of resources and links below that can help you through these challenging times. Please continue to reference this resource page, as we will post updates with new information as we receive them.
STAY INSPIRED, through funding opportunities
- Canadian Arts Funding Opportunities – Information on where Canadian artists and freelancers can find help during COVID-19 shutdowns.
- Small Business BC – This site provides a list of additional funding supports for Indigenous people.
STAY INFORMED, through COVID-19 resources and funding sites:
- FPCC COVID-19 Pandemic Response Plan, June 2020
- Hul’q’umi’num COVID-19 info-graph – Hul’q’umi’num translation by Luschiim (Arvid Charlie) and Chuck Seymour of Cowichan Tribes
- CBC News – Trudeau announces $75M for Indigenous people living off-reserve.
- WORK SAFE BC – Offices: Protocols for returning to operation
- BC Alliance for Arts & Culture – A list of resources related to COVID-19, government, arts, funding, data and general information.
- LEAN Canada – Voluntary response network to help arts organizations, big and small, deal with the current COVID-19 crisis.
- Canada Council for the Arts – Updates on how the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is affecting programs and services.
- Federal Government of Canada – Outbreak updates and information for Canadian Heritage grants and contributions recipients related to COVID-19.
- BC Government – COVID-19 related news release and updates.
- First Nations Health Authority – COVID-19 Information for BC First Nations Individuals. Includes what you need to know, protective measures, video messages and podcasts from Chief Medical Officer Dr. Evan Adams.
- HealthLink BC – A list of public health updates to provide quick access to the latest information that may affect you and your family.
- BC Centre for Disease Control – Resources at a glance page that lists links to posters, guides, factsheets, Q&As, infographics as well as links to other community resources in B.C.
STAY CONNECTED, to Indigenous language, arts and culture
- Practicing allowable, safe language work – This FPCC one-pager provides language activities that are safe and permitted at this time.
- Virtual & at home language revitalization program ideas – This FPCC document includes projects you can do while physical distancing, working from home tips, and technologies you can use to stay connected, while working apart.
- FirstVoices – This FPCC initiative provides web-based tools and services designed to support Indigenous people engaged in language archiving, language teaching and culture revitalization. FirstVoices also includes FirstVoices for Kids to support young language learners. There are 32 of the 34 First Nations languages of B.C. on the website.
- Language for Life: Nourishing Indigenous Languages in the Home – FPCC’s handbook provides tools and information on how to use Indigenous language at home everyday. The resource provides practical strategies, tools and activities to guide families as they learn and speak their language together. Download your copy today!
- FPCC Newsletter – Winter/Spring 2020.
- Culture Online – Even when doors close, culture doesn’t stop. Visit museums, view live music, watch dance, explore science centres, from across British Columbia, all from the comfort of your own home.