Territorial Acknowledgement

October 6, 2021

Overview: FPCC has developed this resource as a guide to support anyone who is interested in engaging with First Nations communities and wishing to respectfully acknowledge whose territory they are on. The guide also includes additional resources on the topic of acknowledgements.

Prepared by: First Peoples’ Map Committee members

Cathi Charles Wherry, Special Advisor
Aliana Parker – Language Program Manager
Suzanne Gessner – Research & Development Linguist      
Hannah Mashon – Communications Officer                             

Suggested Use & Distribution: These guidelines are for anyone Indigenous or non-Indigenous who requires the assistance of respectfully acknowledging the territory that they are on.

Download Resource:  Territorial Acknowledgement

Additional Resources:
First Peoples’ Map of B.C. (www.maps.fpcc.ca)
FirstVoices (firstvoices.com)

For more detailed guidance and examples you can draw from:


If you are going to acknowledge territories in specific cities in B.C., this resource might be useful:
