Statement from First Peoples’ Cultural Council CEO, Tracey Herbert:
For many years, Indigenous people in Canada have been calling for federal legislation that officially recognizes the Indigenous languages of Canada. FPCC has been a strong advocate for the development of a robust Indigenous Languages Act, co-developed with Indigenous Peoples.
Indigenous languages in Canada and B.C. are at risk. Time is of the essence to protect, promote and revitalize them for future generations.
FPCC is currently reviewing Bill C-91, the proposed federal Indigenous languages legislation tabled February 5 in the House of Commons. We are now soliciting feedback on the proposed Act from Indigenous people, organizations and leaders in British Columbia. We will produce a report with recommendations for amendments to the Bill and provide comment once our report is complete.
If you have specific and constructive feedback we would like to hear from you.
Please email your comments to Suzanne Gessner at by February 15.
Tracey Herbert
CEO, First Peoples’ Cultural Council
For more information visit:
Note: This statement was updated on February 6, 2019 to include a request for feedback from communities.