B.C.’s Mentor-Apprentice Language Program Handbook

September 28, 2020

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This handbook is intended to be a practical tool for individuals who want to use the Mentor – Apprentice Program as a language learning method.

Prepared By

Virtue, H., Gessner, S., & Daniels, D. (Xway’Waat). (2012). B.C.’s Master-Apprentice language program handbook. First Peoples’ Cultural Council.

Contributing Organizations

The Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation, New Relationship Trust, Advocates for Indigenous California Language Survival (AICLS)

Related Grant or Program

Master-Apprentice Program funded through First Peoples’ Cultural Council

Suggested Use & Distribution

This handbook is intended to be a practical tool for individuals who want to use the Mentor – Apprentice Program as a language learning method. The purpose of this handbook is to serve as a resource from which communities and individuals can gather ideas and guidance for planning and carrying out the Mentor-Apprentice Program in their own community.