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Indigenous Languages Initiative: National Engagement Sessions Report (English)
Indigenous Languages Initiative: National Engagement Sessions Report (French)
Preparatory Sessions Information Presentation
Preparatory Information Session Summary
Questions & Answers – First Nations Language Initiative
The co-development committee for the legislation (which includes the national Assembly of First Nations, the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Métis Nation and the Department of Canadian Heritage) has launched a website to provide updated information on the collaborative co-development process. Click here to access the website.
The national Assembly of First Nations hosted a series of engagement sessions to hold more in-depth discussions and engagement around the development of legislation. These sessions were held across the country from June to October 2017.
The Department of Canadian Heritage held language legislation engagement sessions with First Nations people across the country in 2018. In B.C., these sessions happened in June and July and the AFN held preparatory sessions the day before each DCH engagement session to provide additional information on the process.
Prepared By
Assembly of First Nations
Contributing Organizations
The Department of Canadian Heritage, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, the Métis National Council
Referenced Legislation
Indigenous Languages Act
Suggested Use & Distribution
These documents can be used as reference materials for language and cultural leaders, as well as local government representatives, language advocates, and legal professionals working towards establishing Indigenous Language Protection.