July 28, 2022
FPCC is sensitive to the fact that Indigenous people have mixed responses to the Pope’s visit.
We would like to share some contacts and resources to support those who may be triggered by media stories and conversations about the impacts of residential schools.
If you or your family members are struggling, please reach out for support:
- 24-hour Residential School Crisis Line 1-866-925-4419
- Indian Residential School Survivors Society provides access to counselling and cultural support for survivors and their families in B.C. Call toll-free 1-800-721-0066 or visit www.irsss.ca
- Hope for Wellness Hotline is providing mental health counselling and crisis support at 1-855-242-3310 and via online chat at www.hopeforwellness.ca
- Métis Crisis Line for Métis people in B.C., available 24 hours a day at 1-833 Métis BC (1-833-638-4722)
- KUU-US Crisis Line Society provides a 24-hour, province-wide Indigenous crisis line for Indigenous peoples in B.C. – Adults please call 250-723-4050. Children and youth please call 250-723-2040. Toll-free: 1 800 588-8717
- Tsow-Tun-Le-Lum for Indigenous peoples in B.C. at 1-888-403-3123
Additional supports are available through the First Nations Health Authority here.
We encourage everyone to be gentle with yourselves and take care of each other during this time.
Tcwemstwal̓lhkál̓ap (You folks take care of one another)