Report on the First Peoples’ Cultural Council Indigenous Cultural Heritage Forum

September 22, 2020

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In early March 2020, the First Peoples’ Cultural Council (FPCC), supported by the Heritage Branch of B.C., hosted a gathering of 43 Indigenous cultural heritage experts to share experiences and challenges, build networks, and discuss the future of Indigenous Cultural Heritage (ICH) in British Columbia. 

This report is intended to provide a record of the discussions at the Forum and to offer guidance to the Province of B.C. for future development of cultural heritage policies and initiatives. It provides details on who participated, the goals and objectives, challenges and opportunities. A set of 23 recommendation were drawn from the forum participant discussions about steps that B.C. and Canada should undertake to recognize, protect, and ensure the vitality of ICH in B.C.

Prepared By

Rebecca Clarke, Kared Aird, and Paulina Csicsai for FPCC

Contributing Organizations

The Indigenous Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee Council

Referenced Legislation

Heritage Conservation Act,  First Peoples’ Heritage, Language and Culture Act (FPHLC Act), Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA)

Suggested Use & Distribution

This report should be shared and reviewed amongst First Nations cultural leaders, activists and program participants to help guide planning of future initiatives, and learn more from leading experts in Indigenous Cultural Heritage.